Jim Westergren
About me, my projects, SEO, Web Development and Personal Development since 2005
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas A. Edison

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Online Marketing / SEO


20 Mar 2007:SEO for WordPress - The Complete Guide
28 Oct 2006:What a SEO Professional should know
4 Jun 2006:Link Building Guide
18 Mar 2006:Forums, Branding and Public Relations
24 Feb 2006: as Internal Live PR; Evidence and Findings
13 Feb 2006:Link Bait
12 Jan 2006:Google Sandbox - All Latest Data
31 Dec 2005:Future PageRank prediction
30 Nov 2005:Tutorial: Feed your sites by blogging!
27 Nov 2005: My Guide to SEO and Success

Link Building

22 May 2007:Text Surrounding Link: Final Proof
6 Nov 2006:Link to Me Textbox WordPress Plugin
1 Oct 2006:Backlink Generator
20 Sep 2006:Release of my new Link Building Service!
18 Sep 2006:Andy Hagans now offers a Link Baiting Service
4 Jun 2006:Link Building Guide
23 May 2006:Link Value Calculator
19 May 2006:Link Building Wiki
28 Apr 2006:Evidence of related text with links giving rank boost
2 Mar 2006:Buying and Selling Links - Session at SES NYC
13 Feb 2006:Link Bait
31 Dec 2005:Checking backlinks the right way
30 Dec 2005:New site: Link Juice - buy text links
30 Nov 2005:Tutorial: Feed your sites by blogging!

Other posts on Online Marketing

17 May 2006:Never leave AdWords unattended
25 Apr 2006:Effective Google Ads for AdBlindness
24 Apr 2006:Where do I buy and sell web sites?
23 Mar 2006:Keyword Research Tool from AdWords now open
3 Feb 2006:ShoeMoney introduces IPU
25 Dec 2005:Did a test with digg.com
12 Dec 2005:Someone put my post in digg.com

Other posts on SEO

20 Jun 2012:Maximize the Link Juice of your Infographic with the use of the Canonical HTTP Header
2 Oct 2007:SEO Fusion Acquired by Epiphany Solutions Ltd.
2 Dec 2006:IMC 2006 and Swedish SEO meeting is over
8 Oct 2006:Rank bragging
9 Sep 2006:Link Juice from Technorati? No!
2 Sep 2006:Some random news #1
15 Jul 2006:New Page Strength SEO Tool
18 Jun 2006:Superspammer getting billions of pages in Google
26 May 2006:Turning down SEO clients
20 May 2006:Matt Cutts on BigDaddy, linking, crawling etc
20 May 2006:The invaluable SEO Guide
29 Mar 2006:Matt Cutts answers questions
26 Mar 2006:Some observations of Googles fresh boost
23 Mar 2006:Main BlackHat joined blog of main WhiteHat
7 Mar 2006:Interviewed by Aaron Pratt
2 Mar 2006:SE Algorithms - RandFish's session at SES NYC
2 Mar 2006:Postal address adds trust?
13 Feb 2006:SEO Test Finalized - How to write the URLs?
27 Jan 2006:Lady Google
24 Jan 2006:WordPress users - sharpen your URLs with Google!
15 Jan 2006:V7ndotcom Elursrebmem
13 Jan 2006:Releasing SEO Fusion!
12 Jan 2006:Google Sandbox - All Latest Data
8 Jan 2006:SEO Test finalized - Unnatural link growth
4 Jan 2006:New site: SEOForReal.com
31 Dec 2005:Future PageRank prediction
24 Dec 2005:SEO data from Google!
18 Dec 2005:Google knows about your backlinks
5 Dec 2005:New jewel from Randfish, just released
29 Nov 2005:Huge amount of links added to my new site
27 Nov 2005:Good way to get many links and PR

Web Development


18 Mar 2020:Setting up and Managing a MySQL Server
11 Feb 2007:Updating PR values of 1066 URLs in 30 minutes
9 Dec 2006:Fighting the War Against Web Site Spam Bots
10 Dec 2005:Frames with CSS!


25 Oct 2012:Guide: WordPress with Maximum Performance and Speed
11 Jan 2009:Hacks to boost your WordPress 2.7 blog
20 Mar 2007:SEO for WordPress - The Complete Guide
6 Nov 2006:Link to Me Textbox WordPress Plugin
22 Oct 2006:Tutorial: Automatic Site Map for WordPress
5 Feb 2006:WordPress Plugins Used
24 Jan 2006:WordPress users - sharpen your URLs with Google!
4 Jan 2006:List of WordPress ping URLs
12 Dec 2005:Changed theme! (again)
30 Nov 2005:Tutorial: Feed your sites by blogging!

Web Design

31 Jan 2011:Common CSS mistakes and their solutions
28 Dec 2006:Worst Web Design Ever
29 May 2006:2 big redesigns and 2 new sites
17 Dec 2005:How to write DOS text on your site
10 Dec 2005:Frames with CSS!
6 Jan 2005:My Secrets of Web Design

Posts about My Sites

19 Apr 2018:Selling my SEO business TodaysWeb
12 Oct 2009:Fire Sale! 80+ Web Sites And Domains Must Go
8 Oct 2006:Rank bragging
27 Sep 2006:Historical Fiction Forum
20 Sep 2006:Release of my new Link Building Service!
28 Jun 2006:Bought some new sites
29 May 2006:2 big redesigns and 2 new sites
15 Apr 2006:4 new web sites, 1 sold and 2 new for a client
19 Mar 2006:I start to HATE Web Hosts
15 Mar 2006:My directory now lists over 10,000 sites
17 Feb 2006:New site: SEO-Forum.se
13 Jan 2006:Releasing SEO Fusion!
13 Jan 2006:Positive PageRank prediction!
4 Jan 2006:Site sold: ArcadeShack.com
4 Jan 2006:New site: SEOForReal.com
30 Dec 2005:New site: Link Juice - buy text links
28 Dec 2005:New site: OV2.net - Free URL redirection
14 Dec 2005:New site bought - SEOPlanet.net
12 Dec 2005:Someone put my post in digg.com
12 Dec 2005:Changed theme! (again)
10 Dec 2005:Frames with CSS!
8 Dec 2005:GoogleBot ate my bandwidth!
7 Dec 2005:New site bought - LitCollection.com
30 Nov 2005:Tutorial: Feed your sites by blogging!
29 Nov 2005:Huge amount of links added to my new site
27 Nov 2005:Good way to get many links and PR

Other posts on Web Development

18 Mar 2020:Setting up and Managing a MySQL Server
31 Oct 2017:PDO vs MySQLi speed comparison
25 Oct 2012:How to load WordPress in a few milliseconds using Redis
22 Apr 2010:A new approach to block web spam
26 Apr 2009:Redesign of JimWestergren.com
21 Jan 2009:Display Links to Latest Items of a RSS Feed
20 Feb 2007:Checklist when won a web site auction
13 Feb 2007:Protect yourself from invalid Adsense clicks
14 Sep 2006:Stop the Topsites Spam!
24 Apr 2006:Where do I buy and sell web sites?
6 Jan 2006:Tutorial: RSS Feed inside Smarty Template files
30 Dec 2005:Fastest way: activate hosting and new domain

My Fiction Writings

Short Stories

6 Jan 2005:The Ultimate Ritual
6 Jan 2005:"Mr. Wilson, you are not supposed to know."
14 Jan 2004:The Curious Robot
10 May 2003:The Intergalactic Rebel Troop Leader
9 May 2003:The Vision
29 Nov 2002:Time-Trap


4 Dec 2005:My Viewpoint on Trust
4 Dec 2005:What is time?
29 Jan 2004:My Dream
27 Aug 2003:Entertainment Games

Other posts about my writings

26 Jun 2004:Finished my novel one way through, next steps
1 Jan 2004:About Stereotype Fiction Stories
1 Jan 2004:The Plot Summary
1 Jan 2004:The Importance of Writing
6 Sep 2003:Tools of a Fiction Writer
21 Jun 2003:How to get ideas to write
10 Jan 2003:Fundamentals of Writing


My Philosophical Essays

13 Apr 2007:My Philosophical Beliefs
22 Jan 2007:Why Do I Believe in the Human Spirit?
12 Dec 2005:What is freedom?
12 Dec 2005:Double intelligence, how would it be?
4 Dec 2005:My Viewpoint on Trust
4 Dec 2005:What is time?
25 Nov 2005:Theory on How to Become a Genius
3 May 2004:Jims' Three Laws of Logic Behind Looking
23 Apr 2004:Insight on Purpose
30 Aug 2003:Realization on Interest
18 Apr 2003:Rules, Good or Bad?
2 Feb 2003:My Input on Theories About Intelligence by Isaac Asimov

My life

My Plans

19 Apr 2018:Selling my SEO business TodaysWeb
20 Apr 2008:Latest news of 2008 so far
2 Oct 2006:Important Major Business Decision
26 May 2006:Vacation mixed with company planning
17 May 2006:V7N SEO Contest is over - Which KWs is next?
11 Jan 2006:Major business investment done
29 Jan 2004:My Dream

Other posts about my life

20 Apr 2008:Latest news of 2008 so far
2 Oct 2007:SEO Fusion Acquired by Epiphany Solutions Ltd.
7 Sep 2007:An update, what helped my success and what happened then
5 Apr 2007:Best month so far: March 2007
18 Dec 2006:5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me
2 Sep 2006:Some random news #1
24 Jul 2006:My Other Interests
24 Jul 2006:Self-employment the way to go
17 May 2006:New jobs from clients never ending
18 Mar 2006:Forums, Branding and Public Relations
7 Mar 2006:Interviewed by Aaron Pratt
1 Mar 2006:I became a Spirit Walker
26 Dec 2005:My online friends and partners
24 Dec 2005:Very nice christmas celebration with my family


Mina alster

5 Mar 2005:Insändare: Förstörde el-chocker min mormors liv?
21 Jan 2005:Dikt: Livets lycka

Mina noveller

9 Dec 2005:Novell: Middag för två
9 Dec 2005:Fantasy novell: Den siste magikern
9 Dec 2005:Novell: Vägskälet
9 Dec 2005:Prosadikt: Han visste

Min roman - NEO

29 Apr 2004:Prolog
28 Apr 2004:Lista över avstånd
28 Apr 2004:Lista över karaktärer
28 Apr 2004:Tidslinje
28 Apr 2004:Lista över begrepp
27 Apr 2004:Tekniska termer över robotens funktioner

Andra svenska poster

3 Jun 2005:Uppsats: Liv i universum



27 Apr 2009:Make Firefox run up to 4 times faster
13 Nov 2006:Greatest Nerd of All Times: Jonathan Vos Post!
9 Sep 2006:Lonelygirl15 is Jessica Rose
2 Sep 2006:Some random news #1
24 Jul 2006:Self-employment the way to go
11 Jun 2006:SEO Meeting in New Delhi India
31 May 2006:Fractal Art
18 May 2006:Young people that impresses me
17 May 2006:New jobs from clients never ending
17 May 2006:V7N SEO Contest is over - Which KWs is next?
17 May 2006:Never leave AdWords unattended
10 May 2006:Blog or Articles?
30 Apr 2006:Staggering Internet Statistics and Quotes
28 Apr 2006:All old essays and short stories added
23 Apr 2006:You are able to earn 10K in one hour work
24 Feb 2006:25 billion pages in Google
14 Jan 2006:Funny and interesting with SE query
26 Dec 2005:My online friends and partners
24 Nov 2005:The site turned into a blog

Extraterrestrial Life

3 May 2007:Finally Some SETI Progress: Gliese 581 c
5 Mar 2006:Red rain in India may contain alien biology
