Some random news #1
I don't really have time to blog so here are you get the short version all at once and in no order:
- You can now change colors of this site.
- This site got just listed in DMOZ.
- I won an alexa competition.
- My business partner who is also my father sold his house and is moving to another city (I was helping him). He will get internet connection again in 2 weeks.
- I got a new flat and also moved. (Malmö, Sweden)
- My father found a new girlfriend and decided to marry her, I am still looking.
- 322 e-mails to answer in my in-basket.
- Another partner that was working on updating the list and add new directories to also moved and cannot work with me anymore.
- Praveen is working on a new design for, once the list is fully updated and the new design is done a promotion campaign will start.
- Andy Hagans and Aaron Wall wrote a new article on link building: 101 Ways to Build Link Popularity in 2006
- A guy called Dan Raine started a $15K challenge.
- I learned that you have to give permission 755 to CGI files with PERL in order to have them to execute.
- Joel Cheesman started an SEO blog.
- I have decided that when I have time I will make a new Swedish site which will be an extensive SEO Guide.
- The release of my new link building program is further delayed.
- Google started to love my blog even more, #4 for SEO Blog , #4 for SEO Guide, #10 for SEO Expert and good ranking for many individual pages.
- My sisters blog got spammed to death and I helped her install Spam Karma 2, then after it got hacked and I helped her again.
- Markus Hjalmerot moved to Stockholm and got employed by Eastpoint Media.
- Agaton is on the way to win the Astromusicologie 101 contest.
- Latehorn got banned in DP and is since a while is also not posting on SEO-forum.
- A while ago Markus Hjalmerot and Marcus Westberg went together and started an english SEO forum. - they need new members.
- I studied some interesting articles and saw some documentararies about the conflict in the middle east as well as the 9/11, I am thinking of writing something about it.
- I will soon write an extensive article on how to save time.
- Danny Sullivan departed from his post at SEW and SES Conferences.
- The next week or something I will almost not do anything else than work with clients and catch back the time I lost when I was moving and helping to move.
- 279 new directories was added to during july and last week 107 was erased. The list will be fully complete in a few weeks time.
- There was a new article in the newspaper about the fact that I made money selling links.
Other posts
- My Recommendations for a Happy Life
- Budget 100 - an old school magic format
- My Favorite Board Games and How I Play Them
- Switching from Windows PC to Mac and why I switched back
- Creating The Space War - The Card Game of My Dreams
- 24 Characteristics That Geniuses Have in Common
- Setting up and Managing a MySQL Server
- Canasta - The Great Card Game
- Annual report number 13 + 14: My Success
- Selling my SEO business TodaysWeb
About the Author
Jim Westergren is a Swedish web entrepreneur currently living in Spain. He is happily married and has three lovely children. Some of his interests are web development, SEO and writing.
He is the Founder of DomainStats and Read his full about page.

He is the Founder of DomainStats and Read his full about page.