Jim Westergren
About me, my projects, SEO, Web Development and Personal Development since 2005
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas A. Edison

About Me, Jim Westergren

Hi, I am Jim!

I am 40 years old and live in Marbella Spain with my wonderful wife and 3 children. I love my life. I started my internet business in 2005.

I work part time as SEO Executive Advisor for Marketzoo and part time for my own startups and side projects. I am currently not looking for clients.

Contact me on this page.

Jim Westergren

SEO, Search Engine Optimizer

I nearly won the biggest SEO contest ever back in 2006 and was featured in 7 major newspapers in US and Sweden including Wall Street Journal and Washington Post (articles here). My articles and guides on SEO (currently old) has been recognized and been recommended by many international industry leaders in the field of SEO.

Web Developer

I love to build and develop websites. My biggest creations is the website creation tool N.nu which is used by more than 20,000 active users and DomainStats with a database of billions of links and many useful SEO tools. I also built RedistatsSökdata.se, Snappa.se and much more. Some of the tech I use is HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Redis, Nginx, Cassandra and Varnish.

Board Game Designer

In my free time I am working on a card game (with both offline and online version) called The Space War. I create and test the game but have other people doing the graphics, online version etc.


Many many years ago I had a dream to be a writer. I have not written in ages but I used to write short stories, essays and I had a dream to write a novel. Philosophical Science Fiction is my favorite subject to write and read about. I also write articles about SEO, on forums and on this blog of course.


I founded Charity Bolivia and we give donations to very poor families with focus on children from time to time.


I quit school when I was 17 to fully work in a religious elite organization on a project to save the planet. It changed my life forever. I quit after 5 years and returned back to Sweden in December 2004 and started a new life from zero without money, education or connections. I borrowed my mothers computer and started to learn HTML and internet marketing. I used to publish a yearly report of my success, they can be read on this link.

Me elsewhere

Verify me

This page is written by me as evidenced by the fact that it is hosted on jimwestergren.com a domain registered in 2005 (use any whois tool to verify registration date).

These are mine:

Any other person that claim to be me is false.