Selling my SEO business TodaysWeb
Since I came back to Sweden in beginning of 2016 I have mostly been working on Domainstats which I also secured an investment for. The project is now almost ready for an official launch which is very exciting.
My SEO and web development business TodaysWeb stayed in Bolivia as an independent company and has been doing great under the leadership of the CEO Staffan Sundblad. It has actually been performing better than expected.
One of the main clients of TodaysWeb has been Game Lounge and after some negotiations I have decided to sell the majority of the assets and business of TodaysWeb. The final papers were signed and the deal is done as of today.
TodaysWeb will become a department of Game Lounge and the business with existing clients will carry on as usual. TodaysWeb will also be part of the SEO and development of existing and future projects of Game Lounge.
I am included in this as a consultant, 20 hours per week, and my title is Head of SEO & TodaysWeb. The rest of the time I will continue work on Domainstats and some on At Game Lounge we will work with different kinds of exciting new projects, I will be part of a passionate team and well, the pay is also good. The contract is 3 years and after that I will spend more time with my 3 kids. I will work from their office in Stockholm.
Included in the sale is,,, Sö,, the link network and some other sites.
Not included is:, Redistats,, domains for sale and some other sites.
The Charity Bolivia is not affected by this sale and the links on will stay at least 5 years.
This of course also means that I will not take on any SEO consultations projects from now on.
A new big step for me.
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He is the Founder of DomainStats and Read his full about page.