Finished my novel one way through, next steps
It was long since I wrote my last essay about fiction writing. I have been busy on my duties in the organization I work but I never lost my purpose on the writing.
Some weeks ago I was put on a watch cycle for a few days. In that time I was writing full time for about 2 days and in this period I finished my novel - The New Era of Operation.
There was specifically one time while I was writing in those 2 days in which I felt very good. I was finding new things while writing and it was in the end of the novel. I had no interruptions in my work and I had a lot of time. What happened was that I was imagining the scenery while I was writing and new materials came to me very easily. It was almost as if I was there being the main character. This lasted for an hour or so and afterwards I felt like after being in the cinema watching a movie, but this was special because it was me who made the movie.
So I had finished the novel but I knew that now what is remaining is all the corrections, reviews which I knew was a big work.
This made me think about what exactly is left to do and this is the reason for this essay. One thing I found for sure is that other people have to read it. The writer understands it of course but how does he know if the reader understands it, that's why he had to get people to read it and note down for the writer all the points to be handled - it is written for the reader in the first place.
As I am self-taught and has learned everything about writing myself (the very few literature I found in regards to writing was of no use for me and would only prevent my success in the field) I am continuing this way and established myself what I need to do.
I found that I have to do it in the following sequence:
- Establish exactly what needs to be checked and looked after for correction.
- Go through the novel as a writer the times necessary together with the checklist and plot summary and do all the corrections myself until I am certain I don't find anymore to correct.
- Give copies of my novel together with a checklist of points to be looked at to friends who are willing and also willing to take the time to read the novel and write down which points they found to be corrected.
- Review all the corrections that came up in the above.
- Give the novel to a professional for checking and corrections.
- Give to editor to be accepted.
- Publication.
Target: 2008
What is the points to be checked?
I found the following points:
- With the help of the plot summary and the summary of the subchapter go through and see that all the events follow the logical sequence and that no events are missing.
- With the help of the data file go over the list of characters, items, places and time-line to make sure nothing is omitted from the novel.
- All Logical breaks handled. (can be almost anything not following a logical sequence)
- Reinforcement of painting of scenery on those places found needed.
- Too many details on unimportant places deleted.
- Adjustment of the triumph so it communicates exactly the message for the reader.
- Points with lacking of reality handled so the reader understands everything at all times.
- Grammar mistakes handled.
- Spelling mistakes handled.
- Wrong selection of words handled.
- Sections with different writing style reviewed to make sure it is fully clear for the reader. (EG grave dialog)
- Point of view shifts reviewed to make sure it is clear and does not confuse the reader.
- All numbers checked and verified for exact correctness.
- Time shifts reviewed to be clear and not confusing.
- Epilogue and Prologue made perfect as these are vital in the understanding of the message.
- Special names of objects explained to not bring misunderstoods to the reader.
- Review philosophical parallels to be sure that the reader can see it and are able to make his conclusions.
- Review parallel stories and be sure none are left incomplete.
- Systematically review all the characters and make sure that their name, dialog, actions and thinking follow the postulated beingness for that character and follows it all the way through to the end.
- Review any parallel ideas to be sure they are clear and that the reader understand for example that the simple event has a deeper meaning etc.
- Review any use of symbolism used
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