Redesign of
There comes a point where your feel so ashamed of your old design you did a few years ago that you just have to sit down and change it.
Writing the CSS and XHTML from scratch took only around 4 hours. I was little surprised by that as a year ago it would probably have taken several days. I have been learning a lot the last months when building new sites (that are not released yet).
But what took a lot more time than writing the CSS and XHTML was to find and debug a stupid "endif"-error in Worpress, making the simple navigation menu to work in IE6 (great tip here) and finding a solution for getting rid of borders from linked images. Why is there no method for parent targeting in modern CSS?! I found myself having to assign a class to these - any other solution that exist for this?
Now those small details took way more time than writing almost all the CSS and XHTML. Is it supposed to be like that?
Coding with the Web Developer toolbar in Firefox with the Edit CSS and Edit HTML is really a bliss.
Those who knows me know that I am a fan of simplicity in web design and putting the text in focus and that I am no fan of graphics or Javascript. So this is no exception.
What you think? And is all looking fine in IE6? IE8? I have only IE7 to test with myself and takes quite some time to work with ...
There are more to do such as a search box and some other stuff but that will have to come later.
Now hopefully I will also write more, so grab the feed or follow me on Twitter.
And of course both XHTML and CSS validates.
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He is the Founder of DomainStats and Read his full about page.