V7N SEO Contest is over - Which KWs is next?
Ok, I came #2 on the contest. I had planned to win, but ok.
For more info on that contest, read my contest page here.
I got some major media coverage, especially in Sweden. Newspapers, radio and even TV (unknown channel).
So now that is over - which keywords do I plan to "win" now?
Webbdesign - Swedish word for "web design", current rank #2 in Google.se Sökmotoroptimering - Swedish word for "SEO", current rank #14 in Google.se (I want 2 listings in top 10 for this one) SEO, swedish only - current rank #4 in Google.se (I want 2 listings in top 5 for this one)
This will be worked on starting a few weeks from now, now I need to get clients under control.
I had 340 e-mails in my inbox this morning ... now I have 130, it feels better but not fully good.
Tomorrow will be e-mails ONLY (and some forums :) )
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He is the Founder of DomainStats and N.nu. Read his full about page.