I start to HATE Web Hosts
I am not usually using MSN Instant Messenger but yesterday I signed in to talk to my brother. I spoke to him a bit and then I went to another room. When I came back to the computer 5 minutes later I see the following on the screen:
Stephen J says: u owe me for hosting bro if u still want it ur year is up Stephen J says: ur account*] Stephen J says: www.axeq.com and www.50textlinks.com Stephen J says: ok im deleting ur accounts Stephen J says: thanks for using kvchosting Stephen J says: i hope you have backed up your sites Jim Westergren says: Hi Stephen J says: hi Jim Westergren says: U there?
Read the rest of the chat session here, totally unaltered and incredible.
On the 10/18/2005 I paid KVCHosting to host my 2 sites for 1 year each, that is until 10/18/2006 - I still had 7 months left. He deleted my sites (one PR4 and one PR5 making $50 a week.) and I lost 6 weeks of database as I stupidly did not do the database backup more regularly. That is about records of 60 clients paying for links in axeq.com which I now have to find a solution to solve. Fortunately the search engines are caching the sites and I can somehow reconstruct the database and otherwise contact the clients from the paypal invoices I kept that paid for the links now lost.
Did you realize that KVCHosting permanently deleted two sites of a client for the only reason that he did not answer quickly on the MSN? Have you EVER heard of a more bad host? And he had my e-mail but never sent a single e-mail.
Please note: KVCHosting has a new owner in 2008, this is about the previous owner.
Read the rest of the chat session if you didn't yet.
His real name is Stephen Jurawleff, he lives in North Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Some other bad hosts:
Surftown, same company as B-one (Swedish and Danish):
I had an Arcade Site on surftown. In their promotion they write: "unlimited bandwidth".
After some months I went up to over 10 Gig/month bandwidth on the Arcade Site which I had spent a lot of time on.
Then suddenly Surftown support instead of sending a polite e-mail to please reduce bandwidth which I would have done by hotlinking the swf files from another server (which I also did later) they opened up my site in their system and deleted the 5 most played games from the MySQL database with all data in the MySQL columns about those games - without any kind of notification or warning. I could luckily with some time and working with SEs cache pages reconstruct the database.
One week he upgrades the server which causes downtime. Next week he moves the server and I have to change DNS. The week after that he moves server again and I have to change DNS again. The next weeks there are 3-4 downtimes. It took 3 business days for suport to answer my post in their support forum.
I had 3-4 sites with them. Suddenly one day all accounts closed down without warning or notification. After some desperate searching on forums etc. I found a thread in which the hoster wrote: "I have to go to university".
Webb-Hotellet.com (swedish)
Doesn't answer e-mails, you always have to call them on a mobile. My account there went full and I wanted to upgrade and get more space. The site broke down as the MySQL db went bigger than the space limit and he did not answer my e-mails ...
If you are a Pro SEO with 30+ web sites that are supposed to be on different IPs for best effect but you have to have cheap accounts, you can't pay $10 a month to 30+ accounts (that is $300 a month in hosting fees) how do you do? And you can't just move sites all the time as the site looses trust with Google. I think it is impossible ... and I HATE it. Each week one of your sites are down or have an issue.
EDIT: May 3, 2006
And another one ... :
"UltraNet Hosting - Where hosting dreams come true."
"Im sorry for the lack of response. I sent an email out to everyone. ANyway, the server was shutdown as i missed the bills while i was away at BCT (Basic Combat Training for the Army. Im sorry, if you would like the backups please pm me back and i will refund $6 as you still had 3 months of service left. I will refund when i have full access to a computer."
Do I need to say more?
Other posts
- My Recommendations for a Happy Life
- Budget 100 - an old school magic format
- My Favorite Board Games and How I Play Them
- Switching from Windows PC to Mac and why I switched back
- Creating The Space War - The Card Game of My Dreams
- 24 Characteristics That Geniuses Have in Common
- Setting up and Managing a MySQL Server
- Canasta - The Great Card Game
- Annual report number 13 + 14: My Success
- Selling my SEO business TodaysWeb
He is the Founder of DomainStats and N.nu. Read his full about page.