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Page 4

Link Building Wiki
19 May 2006
Wow, found another very great SEO resource. It is just released. Let me present the Link Building Wiki. There you have most of the things you need in the area of link building, collected by one of the most prominent in the link building business,
Young people that impresses me
18 May 2006
David Wilkinson, 12 years old blogger Check his blog. "Are you making any money blogging?" Yes, quite a bit actually. I could definitely live off $500 a month until I turn 14, by which time I aim to be earning more, by experimenting in Internet Marketing. Abhishek Tripathi, 16 years old from India From his [...]
New jobs from clients never ending
17 May 2006
I got some major media coverage in Sweden recently and together with my partner Peter Larsson we made a decision that from now on we only take big jobs for big clients and I increased my rates 3X. Rather do a tip top SEO job to a big client that can really pay than smaller [...]
V7N SEO Contest is over - Which KWs is next?
17 May 2006
Ok, I came #2 on the contest. I had planned to win, but ok. For more info on that contest, read my contest page here. I got some major media coverage, especially in Sweden. Newspapers, radio and even TV (unknown channel). So now that is over - which keywords do I plan to "win" now? [...]
Never leave AdWords unattended
17 May 2006
If you ever are too busy ... make sure you still keep an eye on AdWords. I have been very busy lately, especially the last 2 weeeks. I checked AdWords and wow - burned $300 in 7 days, usually it is running on $20 per week or something for all my campaigns. (I use AdWords [...]
Blog or Articles?
10 May 2006
I need your feedback. Should I skip the blogging and instead write valuable articles on this site, like a new each week or so? And then remake to have a more static home page? Or rather blog several times a day and provide new daily content for daily visitors like a real blog? Should I [...]
Staggering Internet Statistics and Quotes
30 Apr 2006
Google is now searching through over 25,000,000,000 web pages at a click of a button. "The Internet is now growing at a rate of about 40 to 50 percent annually" - Mark Lotter as of March 2001 "A report released in March of 2005 indicated that the search engines are being used between 2 [...]
Evidence of related text with links giving rank boost
28 Apr 2006
EDIT: April 30, 2006: What I was seeing below was Co Citation in full action, it was not "related text with links" as I thought. Thanks to Gustaf for the heads up (below) and thanks to Jim Boykin for explaining Co Citation. -- One of the keyword terms that I track is "Jim Westergren". I [...]
All old essays and short stories added
28 Apr 2006
I've added all the writings from the old site back into this one as well as the Swedish writings about my novel. You can see it in the archives and in the categories. They are all not perfect ... but some is some interesting reading and some is also very good. And I figured [...]
Effective Google Ads for AdBlindness
25 Apr 2006
Check this! It was shown in DigitalPoint Forums for SEOs and Webmasters - those that are most blind to ads and that includes me. But this one I definitely saw :D In actual fact it is done by a DP member himself with his referral URL of the link program to get credits and more [...]
Where do I buy and sell web sites?
24 Apr 2006
Aaron Pratt asked in a comment where do I buy and sell so here comes the answer. SitePoint: Serious place. DigitalPoint: Second best place. Sorting by thread start time here NamePros: Good place to buy cheap web sites. Whenever I have "too much" money I will go to those three places and [...]
You are able to earn 10K in one hour work
23 Apr 2006
You don't need anyone's permission to believe you can come up with an idea that you can implement in less than an hour that will earn you an extra $10,000. Such ideas are naturally plentiful, but you won't notice them until you adopt the right mindset. That's right. Adopt the right mindset. Quoted from: How [...]
4 new web sites, 1 sold and 2 new for a client
15 Apr 2006
I have bought some new web sites the last months and recently completed one new., recently completed. This one is coded from scratch by my partner Alkesh from my instructions, designed by my friend Praveen, script errors and additional features fixed by legend2, database bought from a guy on DP and touch ups done [...]
Matt Cutts answers questions
29 Mar 2006
The latest blog post of Matt Cutts of Google is a Questions and Answer post. There he answers a lot of questions including the RK parameter and gives a lot of valuable info for an SEO: Here: Thanks Matt. EDIT: Some more info about his post:
Some observations of Googles fresh boost
26 Mar 2006
Site A Article site that ranked extremely well starting just some days after it went online with 20-60 daily referrals from Google between 10th December 2005 to 4th February 2006 then suddenly nothing. Literally 0 Google referrals after that. 8 weeks before hitting the sandbox. Link building: Agressive and many PR 4-5 links and also [...]
BigDaddy export completed
25 Mar 2006
The new BigDaddy infrastructure has now been exported to all or almost all of the datacenters. Now the strange shift between datacenters when searching is over. Coverage: Let's see if something more interesting will happen.
Main BlackHat joined blog of main WhiteHat
23 Mar 2006
It is true, no kidding. Geoffrey, aka as G-Man, who is probably the most known BlackHat spammer there is has joined the blog of SEOMoz, administered by RandFish - one of the highest profiles in the Pro SEO industry. RandFish introducing him: His SEOMoz profile: (he has 100K spam sites) His first post: [...]
Keyword Research Tool from AdWords now open
23 Mar 2006
Just some days ago the incredible Google AdWords Keyword Research Tool became available for those that somehow does not have an AdWords account. Also interesting seasonal data was added. If you are not already using this in your keyword research, then it's about time. More info covered here: Inside AdWords I am also happy that [...]
I start to HATE Web Hosts
19 Mar 2006
I am not usually using MSN Instant Messenger but yesterday I signed in to talk to my brother. I spoke to him a bit and then I went to another room. When I came back to the computer 5 minutes later I see the following on the screen: Stephen J says: u owe me for [...]
Forums, Branding and Public Relations
18 Mar 2006
If you are an SEO Consultant that charges $80 per hour like me, have too many clients and too little time - why would you go to forums and spend 15 minutes only to answer some guy asking SEO questions on a forum, for free and giving out valuable information? Why? And why would you [...]
Changing reputation image values for vBulletin
15 Mar 2006
This is my first post in a serie about vBulletin. If you purchase vBulletin you will notice that the default reputation system does not fit good with a brand new board. 100 positive rep points for the next additional green is too much for a new board. This post is about changing the image values [...]
My directory now lists over 10,000 sites
15 Mar 2006
Well. I could never believe when I started that stupid directory it would become so big. As of today for Add Age: 8 months Active links: 10,609 (with opt-in e-mail) Categories: 93 Pending links: 421 Indexed pages in Google: 20,100 Yahoo backlinks: 5,650 MSN backlinks: 11,161 Unique backlinks: 698 Average daily uniqes: 374 Average [...]
Interviewed by Aaron Pratt
7 Mar 2006
Aaron Pratt is a friendly guy and runs SEO Buzzbox, a very interesting blog. On this blog he has interviewed known profiles in the SEO/SEM industry. And so far in the SEO/SEM field he has interviewed: Aaron Wall Greg Boser Jeremy Zawodny Jill Whalen Jim Boykin John Scott Lee Odden Michael Gray Mike Grehan Rand [...]
Interesting article on the value of time
5 Mar 2006
This article is not written by me but I like it and post it here. Article source: article 120 Title: Have you been to the bank Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with 86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of [...]
Red rain in India may contain alien biology
5 Mar 2006
Red rain fell for two months over Kerala, India in 2001. Scientists analyzing samples now feel it may contain extraterrestrial material from a passing comet. Article:,,1723913,00.html Digg comments: Very interesting I must say. Will check more later.
Buying and Selling Links - Session at SES NYC
2 Mar 2006
Want to know what the pros are thinking about buying and selling links? What people like Eric Ward has to say? Here is the write-up from SE Roundtable. Nothing really new but it is interesting to read what they have to say.
SE Algorithms - RandFish's session at SES NYC
2 Mar 2006
From the Search Engine Strategies in New York there are perhaps 50 pages blogged already by SE Roundtable, Matt Cutts and many more. From what I have read so far the most interesting is the presentation by Randfish on the Search Engine Algorithms. See this blog post from Rand. The powerpoint presentation can be seen [...]
Postal address adds trust?
2 Mar 2006
Google and the other engines are getting more and more sophisticated. It is no longer just relevans and popularity (links, PR) but the factor of trust is now a major factor. It has been speculated that by placing your postal address on your web site you add to the trust factor which seem very logical. [...]
I became a Spirit Walker
1 Mar 2006
Those that are not active in forums will probably not understand this. Digital Point Forums is like my home on the internet. All my online friends and business partners are there. That is the place you go to do business, get partners, help or share knowledge. Or just to have some fun reading. Everytime you [...]
25 billion pages in Google
24 Feb 2006
That is 25,000,000,000 web pages. Possible? See it your self, look at the amount of hits the query gives. EDIT: That query is no longer working. The following input from Netcraft is also interesting that suggests the number of web sites (not pages) to be 108,810,358 as of February 2007.