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Page 5
as Internal Live PR; Evidence and Findings
24 Feb 2006
March 27 update In Matt Cutts latest post: Q: Is the RK parameter turned off, or should we expect to see it again? A: I wouldn't expect to see the RK parameter have a non-zero value again. Q: What's an RK parameter? A: It's a parameter that you could see in a Google toolbar [...]
New site:
17 Feb 2006
I just finished making a Swedish SEO forum - - and I am very pleased with it. There has not been any real SEO forum for Sweden before and I tell you, it was really needed. I did some special things with it, such as all members have 1 of 3 different titles depending [...]
Link Bait
13 Feb 2006
Link baiting (or linkbaiting) is the latest buzz word in the SEO world and has come to be the preferred way to natural link building. It means to create something that naturally attract backlinks for your web page by getting people to talk about it, discussing it on forums, blogging about i, posting it on [...]
SEO Test Finalized - How to write the URLs?
13 Feb 2006
The way I learn SEO is by observing and testing. I don't listen to all that junk on forums and articles except the very few sources that are my favorites such as randfish. In my tests I have all of the test pages with an exact amount of generated random Lorem Ipsum to not hit [...]
WordPress Plugins Used
5 Feb 2006
Here are the Plugins that I currently use on this blog and I like them a lot. Link to Me Textbox by Jim Westergren This plugin will set up a "link to me textbox" with HTML code in your blog posts and increase your search engine rankings. Exec-PHP by Sören Weber Executes <?php ?> code [...]
ShoeMoney introduces IPU
3 Feb 2006
Affiliate and adsense marketer Jeremy Schoemaker (known as ShoeMoney) introduced in a blog post today about IPU - Income per unique. His own acronym. We know about CPM, CPC and CPA but by reading his post you get more insight in how to measure your revenue in a new way. Interesting.
Lady Google
27 Jan 2006
In a forum thread of StatCounter Robin posted an answer to a person that was impatient with Google in regards to ranking. This is what he wrote: Lady Google does not provide immediate gratification. She considers that kind of thing to be undignified. She expects to be romanced for a considerable time. She'll pay attention [...]
WordPress users - sharpen your URLs with Google!
24 Jan 2006
Update: October 1, 2009 This article is from january 2006. In new versions of WordPress all the things in this article is being taken care of automatically. DO NOT USE IT ANYMORE. First of all you must enable the permalinks, but that you probably already have done. Now to the point. Did you know that [...]
Cause or Effect: The Choice is Yours
22 Jan 2006
Article by Every aspect of your life comes under two categories: things you are at cause over and things you are the effect of. You can be at cause over your job, relationships, habits, money and future . . . or you can be effect of those things. ##READ-MORE-LINK## When you are at the [...]
Who Is Your Best Friend?
22 Jan 2006
Article by Who is potentially your greatest enemy? Terrorists? Bad bosses or bad employees? Unfriendly drivers on the freeway? Actually, none of them. ##READ-MORE-LINK## Your greatest potential enemy is you. No one can ruin your life like you can. No one can pull the plug on your career as effectively as you. No one [...]
V7ndotcom Elursrebmem
15 Jan 2006
This is a white hat V7ndotcom Elursrebmem SEO Contest page, managed by Jim Westergren. ##READ-MORE-LINK## Latest news in the V7ndotcom Elursrebmem Contest This contest has now ended on the May 15. I came to the second place - unbelievable, but ok. Here are the results. The winner gives 50% of the prize money to charity [...]
Funny and interesting with SE query
14 Jan 2006
I made a free directory to my 16 year old little brother that he is managing and promoting. I told him to get a lot of backlinks and showed him how to see his backlinks in MSN using: and: I just got an e-mail from him now in total enthusiasm: Jim! Look [...]
Releasing SEO Fusion!
13 Jan 2006
I am happy to announce that I now have a SEO Site for my international clients set up with all my services and their info listed! Let me present: SEO Fusion This will start my SEO business for real and moving into english speaking clients. I found it much easier doing link building for english [...]
Positive PageRank prediction!
13 Jan 2006
New Edit on January 13: This tool is a bit wacko at the moment, as well as Google and the Google PageRank toolbar. The result it gave was not correct. Original post: That I like! The one I really doubt is the last one for PR 6, it will be PR 4-5. And the first [...]
Google Sandbox - All Latest Data
12 Jan 2006
What is the Google "sandbox"? In my own words I would say it is an observation of an algo effect implemented by Google in March 2004 that makes new sites not rank at all for a period of many months. It is a dampening effect that was most probably created to stop spam sites from [...]
Major business investment done
11 Jan 2006
I have just finalized negotiations and invested quite some money on something that will take my SEO business to a whole new level in the future. It is not released yet, so I won't give you more info. Perhaps I can announce it a week from now. Meanwhile I want to tell you that you [...]
SEO Test finalized - Unnatural link growth
8 Jan 2006
Is Google detecting and penalizing unnatural link growth? Case Study Sites used for the test: Release dates of the two sites: November 27, 2005 November 25, 2005 Both sites are new domains that was not before indexed by Google. Links added to the sites within the first 3 days of release: Links from [...]
Tutorial: RSS Feed inside Smarty Template files
6 Jan 2006
Some while ago I wanted to set up an RSS feed according to this post on a directory of mine. The problem was that the directory is run by a smarty engine and the templates files are of the .tpl type and so the normal way to do it with simple PHP won't work. After [...]
List of WordPress ping URLs
4 Jan 2006
Latest update around 2 years later: Check out The Ultimate Plugins Smart Update Pinger Check out the big ping list of 56 URLs at this blog post. I have now added all those URLs to Options -> Writing -> Update Services in the admin, I only had 2 of them already. Will be very interesting [...]
Site sold:
4 Jan 2006
I bought on an auction on NamePros for $75 in April 2005. I then spent a week or more improving the default site and added many features such as highscores, rating etc. I also did a real on-page optimization with mod_rewrite and KW density on game pages etc. The site has been very successful [...]
New site:
4 Jan 2006
SEO For Real - all the latest SEO information for SEO Professionals automatically collected in one place. Instead of checking 5 different SEO blogs and news sites daily - you just have to visit this one. I paid a person on DP that was offering to set up these kind of sites and then I [...]
Checking backlinks the right way
31 Dec 2005
How is the correct way to check backlinks? This is what I have learned from own observations and I feel like it would be good to share. First I can tell you that Google only shows a random fraction on the backlinks they know of - so it is totally useless using Google for this [...]
Future PageRank prediction
31 Dec 2005
There are 7 different tools and one new discovery that can be used in additional to looking at backlinks if you are interested in finding out what your future PageRank will be. I say already now that they are not accurate ... Backlink and PR prediction tool from Comments: This is the only PR [...]
Fastest way: activate hosting and new domain
30 Dec 2005
Do you, like me, sometimes need to get a new site up VERY FAST ? Here is the guide how to get a page up on the internet with new domain and new hosting in 30 minutes - I did it yesterday and I love it. Reg the domain at Godaddy - the fastest registrar [...]
New site: Link Juice - buy text links
30 Dec 2005
Right now you can buy very cheap text links at and get some good discount. Boost your PR with some real Link Juice! Yesterday evening I made a new simple site to serve as a place to sell my text links. I will start to promote it in the beginning of January.
SEO Contest
28 Dec 2005
There will be a new SEO Contest starting on the 15 January. Remember nigritude ultramarine? Here is the forum thread announcing it. I will be playing and it would be fun to get as many as possible participating. Will you participate? :)
New site: - Free URL redirection
28 Dec 2005
Do you have a long URL? You can have by using OVER TO free URL redirection service. Just fill out a simple form and then done. No registration, no ads, no fee, nothing - not even ads on the page in which you fill out the form. Try it out! Test it! This was [...]
My online friends and partners
26 Dec 2005
I want to thank and acknowledge my online friends and partners that has helped me make it possible to succeed online. Din, Alkesh and the rest of the staff at Elite Softech They are my good friends and partners in Jaipur, India. We work close together and in April I hope to be able to [...]
Did a test with
25 Dec 2005
A week ago I submitted my blogg post "How to write DOS text on your site" to test out and kind of explore it. It was my first submitted item and I wanted to try out how it worked. Well, somehow I got enough diggs in a short time and so got listed on [...]
SEO data from Google!
24 Dec 2005
Here are some valuable SEO reading with data coming from Google that or not on their official Google pages. Matt Cutts (Senior Engineer): SEO/Google section from Matt Cutts blog - regularly updated and is worth a daily reading Nick Wilsons interview and blog post: "Exclusive: Google Teaches Bloggers How To Rank" (December 13, 2005) Interview [...]