
Make Firefox run up to 4 times faster
27 Apr 2009
Firefox is an excellent and already fast browser but can be made to run up to 4 times faster - I kid you not. If you are using Internet Explorer ... please change to Firefox now. Also if you are using an old version you should upgrade. Download here. Adjust your configurations These settings are [...]
Greatest Nerd of All Times: Jonathan Vos Post!
13 Nov 2006
I have just found a person on the internet that I believe brings a whole new meaning to the word NERD. This is a person that is member of a group called "the Ubergeeks" and breaks all records, by far. He is additionally a very interesting person with a very special character. Let me present [...]
Lonelygirl15 is Jessica Rose
9 Sep 2006
Update, September 13th: See these articles: NY Times and LA Times It turns out the people behind the wildly popular video blog lonelygirl15 are not studio executives, Internet moguls or, as some suspected, Satanists. Instead, they are aspiring filmmakers who met at a mutual friend's birthday party in April: Miles Beckett, 28, a Web-obsessed medical [...]
Some random news #1
2 Sep 2006
I don't really have time to blog so here are you get the short version all at once and in no order: You can now change colors of this site. This site got just listed in DMOZ. I won an alexa competition. My business partner who is also my father sold his house and is [...]
Self-employment the way to go
24 Jul 2006
I have just read one of the recent articles by Steve Pavlina: 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job I really recommend it but I want to say that it is not as simple as it might look like. Steve is talking about making a living out of blogging and I can tell you [...]
SEO Meeting in New Delhi India
11 Jun 2006
Indian members of the Digital Point Forums have organized a SEO meeting in New Delhi on the 17th June 2006. Web site for the Delhi SEO Meet Official DP thread for the meeting Official blog for the meeting By looking over the guest list (nick names, pics) I recognize several friends and good partners (Pankaj [...]
Fractal Art
31 May 2006
I was idle surfing before going to sleep and somehow I entered on a wiki userpage, which brought me to the word Fractal art. I was of course curious and impressed and saved down some links for you guys to see what I liked. First let's explain the word: Fractal art is the visual depiction [...]
Young people that impresses me
18 May 2006
David Wilkinson, 12 years old blogger Check his blog. "Are you making any money blogging?" Yes, quite a bit actually. I could definitely live off $500 a month until I turn 14, by which time I aim to be earning more, by experimenting in Internet Marketing. Abhishek Tripathi, 16 years old from India From his [...]
New jobs from clients never ending
17 May 2006
I got some major media coverage in Sweden recently and together with my partner Peter Larsson we made a decision that from now on we only take big jobs for big clients and I increased my rates 3X. Rather do a tip top SEO job to a big client that can really pay than smaller [...]
V7N SEO Contest is over - Which KWs is next?
17 May 2006
Ok, I came #2 on the contest. I had planned to win, but ok. For more info on that contest, read my contest page here. I got some major media coverage, especially in Sweden. Newspapers, radio and even TV (unknown channel). So now that is over - which keywords do I plan to "win" now? [...]
Never leave AdWords unattended
17 May 2006
If you ever are too busy ... make sure you still keep an eye on AdWords. I have been very busy lately, especially the last 2 weeeks. I checked AdWords and wow - burned $300 in 7 days, usually it is running on $20 per week or something for all my campaigns. (I use AdWords [...]
Blog or Articles?
10 May 2006
I need your feedback. Should I skip the blogging and instead write valuable articles on this site, like a new each week or so? And then remake to have a more static home page? Or rather blog several times a day and provide new daily content for daily visitors like a real blog? Should I [...]
Staggering Internet Statistics and Quotes
30 Apr 2006
Google is now searching through over 25,000,000,000 web pages at a click of a button. "The Internet is now growing at a rate of about 40 to 50 percent annually" - Mark Lotter as of March 2001 "A report released in March of 2005 indicated that the search engines are being used between 2 [...]
All old essays and short stories added
28 Apr 2006
I've added all the writings from the old site back into this one as well as the Swedish writings about my novel. You can see it in the archives and in the categories. They are all not perfect ... but some is some interesting reading and some is also very good. And I figured [...]
You are able to earn 10K in one hour work
23 Apr 2006
You don't need anyone's permission to believe you can come up with an idea that you can implement in less than an hour that will earn you an extra $10,000. Such ideas are naturally plentiful, but you won't notice them until you adopt the right mindset. That's right. Adopt the right mindset. Quoted from: How [...]
25 billion pages in Google
24 Feb 2006
That is 25,000,000,000 web pages. Possible? See it your self, look at the amount of hits the query gives. EDIT: That query is no longer working. The following input from Netcraft is also interesting that suggests the number of web sites (not pages) to be 108,810,358 as of February 2007.
Funny and interesting with SE query
14 Jan 2006
I made a free directory to my 16 year old little brother that he is managing and promoting. I told him to get a lot of backlinks and showed him how to see his backlinks in MSN using: and: I just got an e-mail from him now in total enthusiasm: Jim! Look [...]
My online friends and partners
26 Dec 2005
I want to thank and acknowledge my online friends and partners that has helped me make it possible to succeed online. Din, Alkesh and the rest of the staff at Elite Softech They are my good friends and partners in Jaipur, India. We work close together and in April I hope to be able to [...]
The site turned into a blog
24 Nov 2005
This is my first post. Well, I have for a long time not understood the reasons for these blogs if you are able to make sites yourself. But now I decided that ok, I should try and this site actually fits very well being a blog. The old version of the site is still available [...]