Jim Westergren
About me, my projects, SEO, Web Development and Personal Development since 2005
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas A. Edison

My life


Latest news of 2008 so far

20 Apr 2008

I have not been posting any updates or reports on this site since the end of last year so here comes all major things since the last 3 and a half months. There has been quite a lot of positive things that has happened. :grin: Major consultant work for Svensk Internetrekrytering AB In the beginning [...]

SEO Fusion Acquired by Epiphany Solutions Ltd.

2 Oct 2007

SEO Fusion represented the non-Swedish part of my company. I am very happy to announce that I have just finalized a deal with the british SEM company Epiphany Solutions Ltd which will help me reach the new life I strive for as well as turning over a big part of the company to someone elses [...]

An update, what helped my success and what happened then

7 Sep 2007

During March to June my company grossed around $30.000 a month (a total of $95.000). For two of those months we had a result of over $20.000 after all salaries, taxes, payments to partners and other expenses paid. Most of the money left over was invested to buy new PR6 and PR7 web sites and [...]

Best month so far: March 2007

5 Apr 2007

In the previous month I surpassed all expectations in terms of income, establishment and investments I could possible imagine. Income Here is my graph of the monthly gross income since my company started June 2005: And so far this month (5 days) we have gotten in 40% of the amount of the previous months income! [...]

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Me

18 Dec 2006

John Scott tagged me EDIT: also SEO4Fun There are probably hundreds of interesting things you didn't know about me as my life has not been that ordinary ... But I give you here five: In 1999 I made my own card game which I play with relatives and family. Last time we played was yesterday, [...]

Some random news #1

2 Sep 2006

I don't really have time to blog so here are you get the short version all at once and in no order: You can now change colors of this site. This site got just listed in DMOZ. I won an alexa competition. My business partner who is also my father sold his house and is [...]

My Other Interests

24 Jul 2006

You probably know that one of my main interests is SEO - Search Engine Optimization and I also like to design web sites. Perhaps you also know that I have a strong interest in writing fiction. And you might also know that I am also very interested in philosophy - especially metaphysics. Let me list [...]

Self-employment the way to go

24 Jul 2006

I have just read one of the recent articles by Steve Pavlina: 10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job I really recommend it but I want to say that it is not as simple as it might look like. Steve is talking about making a living out of blogging and I can tell you [...]

New jobs from clients never ending

17 May 2006

I got some major media coverage in Sweden recently and together with my partner Peter Larsson we made a decision that from now on we only take big jobs for big clients and I increased my rates 3X. Rather do a tip top SEO job to a big client that can really pay than smaller [...]

Forums, Branding and Public Relations

18 Mar 2006

If you are an SEO Consultant that charges $80 per hour like me, have too many clients and too little time - why would you go to forums and spend 15 minutes only to answer some guy asking SEO questions on a forum, for free and giving out valuable information? Why? And why would you [...]

Interviewed by Aaron Pratt

7 Mar 2006

Aaron Pratt is a friendly guy and runs SEO Buzzbox, a very interesting blog. On this blog he has interviewed known profiles in the SEO/SEM industry. And so far in the SEO/SEM field he has interviewed: Aaron Wall Greg Boser Jeremy Zawodny Jill Whalen Jim Boykin John Scott Lee Odden Michael Gray Mike Grehan Rand [...]

I became a Spirit Walker

1 Mar 2006

Those that are not active in forums will probably not understand this. Digital Point Forums is like my home on the internet. All my online friends and business partners are there. That is the place you go to do business, get partners, help or share knowledge. Or just to have some fun reading. Everytime you [...]

My online friends and partners

26 Dec 2005

I want to thank and acknowledge my online friends and partners that has helped me make it possible to succeed online. Din, Alkesh and the rest of the staff at Elite Softech They are my good friends and partners in Jaipur, India. We work close together and in April I hope to be able to [...]

Very nice christmas celebration with my family

24 Dec 2005

I was away some days celebrating christmas with my family for two days. First my father and my little brother played bowling - that was real fun :). Then air hockey - real action, excitement and fun. The next day I was playing computer games with my little brother until the nice dinner. After that [...]