Third Annual Report: My Success Online
On the 5th of December 2004 I changed my life 180 degrees. I quit my earlier life and moved back to Sweden to change my life totally.
That is now 3 years ago.
This is the third annual report on how I with no money, education, experience or connections could sit down and learn, observe and start a successful company by will power alone.
2007 has been a very important year for me, a year with monumental changes to both my company and personal life.
If you are interested, read my 2 previous reports here:
As per tradition, I will give you a quick overview of the year that has passed and my goals for the next year.
Quick rundown of 2007
January - February
Except hard regular work I bought about 40 smaller web sites from auctions to use later in my link building services. We made a new strategy to sell my link building offers in packages. We hired Swedish content writers to write content for new Swedish web sites.
March - June
During March to June my company grossed around $30K a month by selling link building services. This was an increase of about 300% compared to previous months. I worked close with my employed father in an office we were renting. The margins were huge and so the company made a lot of profit which were invested into a lot of new web sites.
We also produced around 40 new Swedish web sites and launched a link building service combined with guide in the Swedish market.
I also tried to start up 2 new internet companies. One for my younger brother and one for my friends and learn them how to make money on the internet.
Unfortunately I was not feeling that well personally. I had no life outside the internet, felt very alone, overwhelmed with work and I felt that I was not doing what I was supposed to do in my life.
It was in this month I decided to fully change my life after a while of personal crisis and minor depression. I have had a very strange background in my life and I wanted to become a more normal person, improving my social life, getting friends in real life and pursue my initial purpose as a writer. I had lost all motivation to work and make more money and didn't want to work with clients anymore. And so I changed my whole company. I fired my employers, bought out owners and started my new life. I also partly left a religion I had earlier been part of, bought new clothes and started to do a lot of things I never used to do such as going out to night clubs and even changing my interests in life. I was used to live a life with very strict moral principles and now I wanted to do a lot things I had missed out as a teen. I had for example never drank alcohol which I now wanted to try ... I started a personal private Swedish blog in which I daily posted my progress and thoughts. The decision to change my life was one of the best decisions I had ever made in my life.
August - September
I worked to complete all pre-paid clients while changing my life.
An official post about my big changes for the company and life was posted on my blog in September creating a bit of stir in the SEO community: An update, what helped my success and what happened then
Epiphany Solutions Ltd saw my post about the big change in my company. They contacted me and our e-mail correspondence led to the sale to them of my english language part of the company. This included around 40 web sites and turn over of existing english speaking clients. The figure landed on a bit more than $157K.
See my post about that here: SEO Fusion Acquired by Epiphany Solutions Ltd.
Vacation in Greece for 2 weeks. Traveled alone and had party each night. Got many new friends. Great adventure and great improvement of the aspect of my life I wanted to improve.
I got extensive interviews and did several personality tests in Göteborg to see if I should get therapy concerning my traumatic experiences in my child hood and the religion I had been part of in my earlier life. I got excellent results on the tests and I felt generally a lot better in life compared to the summer and so I judged that it was not needed, perhaps in the future.
Great SEO conference in Stockholm with members of my online forum.
Decision made to keep working part time in the internet marketing field as a consultant to bigger companies. My web site rewritten to reflect this.
Big consultant job for a major company accepted in Stockholm.
Papers to start the new company, Jim Westergren AB, submitted to authories. The official business operations of this new company is: "Internet services, authorship, publishing and investments." (roughly translated)
As I type this I feel happy about my life and I feel it is going completely in the right direction. I am happy I changed my life in July.
The Future
On the second of January I am going up to Stockholm to work as a consultant for a company for 2-3 weeks. I will probably live in a hotel and at this time I would like to meet as many people as possible in my spare time.
In the middle of February I want to travel around in Asia for 2 months or more. I will go to Thailand and then probably to India, New Zealand and perhaps some other countries as well. Also here I want to meet as many internet marketing people and entrepreneurs as possible to get as many new friends I possible can. During this time I will also write.
I am planning on starting 2 or 3 new forums. I will write essays about personal development, philosophy and science. Perhaps I will start a new Swedish blog. Some funds will be invested in the stock market.
Other posts
- My Recommendations for a Happy Life
- Budget 100 - an old school magic format
- My Favorite Board Games and How I Play Them
- Switching from Windows PC to Mac and why I switched back
- Creating The Space War - The Card Game of My Dreams
- 24 Characteristics That Geniuses Have in Common
- Setting up and Managing a MySQL Server
- Canasta - The Great Card Game
- Annual report number 13 + 14: My Success
- Selling my SEO business TodaysWeb

He is the Founder of DomainStats and Read his full about page.