Jim Westergren
About me, my projects, SEO, Web Development and Personal Development since 2005
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas A. Edison

Second Annual Report, My Success Online

This was supposed to be published on the 5th of December but the work in my company has been overwhelming, so I give it to you now instead.

This is the second annual report on how a young person in Sweden with absolutely no money, knowledge or connections could sit down and learn, observe and start an online company by will power alone and not only make a living for himself but for half of his family as well.

On the 5th of December 2004 I changed my life 180 degrees. I quit my job and philosophical studies and moved back to Sweden to change my life totally. Here is my first annual report of 2005

Statistics of today

Highlights of Web Sites

Some Special Highlights of 2006


The V7N SEO contest started.

I bought SEO Fusion.


I went to work together with my employee and we established the company, services and many other things.

I did my research on the Google RK parameter and published it as an article.

Swedish SEO forum created.


I outed an unethical activity conducted by a Swedish SEO company and ranked for their own name. The CEO threated to sue me but I handled it quite well.


ArticleHub.net completed, code and design from scratch.


I almost won the biggest SEO contest ever. I got broadcasted in Swedish radio and about 7 newspapers wrote about me including the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.


I wrote and published my "famous" Link Building Guide.




My fathers house was sold. I got a new flat.


Smart Link Building was launched.


I launched the Swedish national SEO contest, more info. This was mentioned by 2 newspapers and by a bunch of bloggers.

I made a very important business decision. I changed my company from a SEO company to a link building company and do no longer offer optimization sercvices, more info.

In a meeting with Peter, my employee, the idea of the "bättre" network was born and 43 swedish .se domain names were registered.


Highest ever client sign ups and income.


I was part of the panel and spoke about SEO on the IMC 2006 and we had our Swedish SEO meeting after that, more info.

I signed contract with a friend who made a investment in my company.

Redesign and added features of Addurl-free.com.

The Future

Another 70 web sites are planned and the domains are registered. The most of these are Swedish and a few of them will be major projects. There are already almost 100 pages materials written for these web sites and I want to have all these sites up before the summer.

On the 30th March I go to India to meet business partners and friends and have some vacation, more info.

I will continue training link baiting and continue to release major articles on this blog.

During the summer or maybe a bit later we will start the "Aktiebolag" (Limited corporation in english).

After the summer I will concentrate on a more passive income and get back on my fiction writing. I want to have my first novel in print within 2008. I will also write a book on SEO in Swedish.


12 Jan 2007

About the Author Jim Westergren Jim Westergren is a Swedish web entrepreneur currently living in Spain. He is happily married and has three lovely children. Some of his interests are web development, SEO and writing.
He is the Founder of DomainStats and N.nu. Read his .