Jim Westergren
About me, my projects, SEO, Web Development and Personal Development since 2005
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas A. Edison

Fourth Annual Report: My Success

On the 5th of December 2004 when I was 22 I changed my life 180 degrees. I quit my earlier very special life and moved back to Sweden to change my life totally.

I had no money, education, experience or connections and some people doubted that I could get successful - personally I took it as a great challenge. I started by borrowing my mothers computer and begun to learn HTML and internet marketing.

That is now 4 years ago.

Every year since then I publish an annual report how the year has gone and with future plans for the next year. Every year I try to do more good.

This is the fourth annual report and 2008 has been so successful that it is hard for me to imagine I can do more good.

If you are interested, read my 3 previous reports here:

Main highlights from 2008

Meeting the woman that became my wife

Business related success

Personal development


Goals for 2009


31 Dec 2008

About the Author Jim Westergren Jim Westergren is a Swedish web entrepreneur currently living in Spain. He is happily married and has three lovely children. Some of his interests are web development, SEO and writing.
He is the Founder of DomainStats and N.nu. Read his .