Short Stories

The Ultimate Ritual
6 Jan 2005
Aliath felt the wind blowing through his white hair. The cold air made an effect on him even though he was a High-Elf. He was the last person existing who had been around since more than thousand years - almost the beginning of time. He has done everything that could be imagined, seen man performing [...]
"Mr. Wilson, you are not supposed to know."
6 Jan 2005
I think I should begin by telling you who I am. My name is Freddy Ivanov and I am 17 years old, I think. I am writing this letter as a last communication from the human species, because I am the last human. ##READ-MORE-LINK## I was born in the human rescue facilities underground and my [...]
The Curious Robot
14 Jan 2004
Notice: The below short story was written by me back in january 2004 when I was 21 and English is not my native language. In June 2012 an author of school textbooks for Indian students, Ritu Taneja, reached out to me and I gave her permission to use this story in a textbook for the [...]
The Intergalactic Rebel Troop Leader
10 May 2003
The new pilot of the Intergalactic Rebel Troop was desperate to find his leader. They had lost each other as he had made a mistake on the strategic defence operation Alpha 17 by having gone to wrong location. He had misunderstood the mission orders which had brought him in confusion - something he realized when [...]
The Vision
9 May 2003
Ken McLeod was rocking with the chair daydreaming. Algebra was boring for him, too easy. "Ken! Don't rock with the chair!" Said Miss Lansteiner. Ken made himself to sit properly and looked at the black board. Too simple for him. Miss Lansteiner was a hard teacher and he didn't like her. Ken glanced over the [...]
29 Nov 2002
The alarm rang. Bill woke up, tired. He sometimes hated this clock. It was Monday and yesterday he had been up quite late. He went up from bed and turned the alarm off. His flat was relatively small but enough for his needs. After having dressed and eaten his eggs and musli he went out [...]