Jim Westergren
About me, my projects, SEO, Web Development and Personal Development since 2005
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas A. Edison



Guide: WordPress with Maximum Performance and Speed

25 Oct 2012

This is a step by step guide in which I will show you how to setup WordPress with maximum speed and performance for just $15 per month utilizing Nginx + PHP-FPM + APC + Cloudflare + Redis. It is the same that this blog is using and I will show you how. No need for [...]

Hacks to boost your WordPress 2.7 blog

11 Jan 2009

Wordpress 2.7 is overall great and I recommend you to downloand and upgrade. There are however some fixes and recommendations I deem as important. Solving problem with duplicated URLs with comment paging Wordpress 2.7 introduced a new way of displaying comments that is turned on by default. Unfortunately the way that this was constructed is [...]

SEO for WordPress - The Complete Guide

20 Mar 2007

I'm an SEO and I have been working a lot with WordPress, here I give you all my tips for you to rank very well in Google with your blog. UPDATE: This article was written in march 2007 and has not been updated since then, although many parts are still relevant. You should see my [...]

Link to Me Textbox WordPress Plugin

6 Nov 2006

This is a WordPress plugin that will give you more links and higher rankings in the search engines. Most bloggers knows the importance of getting links in order to get high rankings in search engines. But did you know that the best links are those that are natural recommendations? Additionally I experienced better rankings across [...]

Tutorial: Automatic Site Map for WordPress

22 Oct 2006

To improve the navigation of your users as well as search engine traffic and ranking to your WordPress blog I suggest making a good site map of your posts - a map of your site. A kind of user friendly archive of your posts. This is not "Google sitemap"! The benefits: The user can quickly [...]

WordPress Plugins Used

5 Feb 2006

Here are the Plugins that I currently use on this blog and I like them a lot. Link to Me Textbox by Jim Westergren This plugin will set up a "link to me textbox" with HTML code in your blog posts and increase your search engine rankings. Exec-PHP by Sören Weber Executes <?php ?> code [...]

WordPress users - sharpen your URLs with Google!

24 Jan 2006

Update: October 1, 2009 This article is from january 2006. In new versions of WordPress all the things in this article is being taken care of automatically. DO NOT USE IT ANYMORE. First of all you must enable the permalinks, but that you probably already have done. Now to the point. Did you know that [...]

List of WordPress ping URLs

4 Jan 2006

Latest update around 2 years later: Check out The Ultimate Plugins Smart Update Pinger Check out the big ping list of 56 URLs at this blog post. I have now added all those URLs to Options -> Writing -> Update Services in the admin, I only had 2 of them already. Will be very interesting [...]

Changed theme! (again)

12 Dec 2005

This one I really like! Much better than the other one and I have integrated all the nice features that I had before. This one was not part of the around 200 themes that I was browsing before to select the previous one. I arrived to this one by following a signature link of a [...]

Tutorial: Feed your sites by blogging!

30 Nov 2005

Notice: This article is from 2005. I have written a new one in 2009 about this same thing but much more good that can be read here. Are you also the kind of webmaster with 5, 10 or even 20 web sites with the plan of making a living only through your own sites? How [...]