Web Design
Common CSS mistakes and their solutions
31 Jan 2011
While adding new templates to my website system N.nu (see all templates here) I always have to correct mistakes in the CSS. I normally add templates from Wordpress.org or popular CSS templates sites so I assume that the creators are experienced professionals. This article is based on the experience after correcting over 100 popular CSS [...]
Worst Web Design Ever
28 Dec 2006
The following is a list of web sites collected on the internet for the purpose of demonstrating bad web design. If you have found another site that should be on this list then please leave a comment. New screenshots taken 15 january 2009. Official site of a children's hospital in Japan MSY Technology Pty. Ltd. [...]
2 big redesigns and 2 new sites
29 May 2006
Usually I just concentrate on SEO for myself and clients and don't do so much web site designing but the last days was an exception. In fact I even don't offer web design anylonger to clients so when I do it is mostly for my own sites. This is the new web design updates from [...]
How to write DOS text on your site
17 Dec 2005
Do you want web site text that looks like DOS text? Here is the CSS that produces what you see on this page: .dos { width: 400px; background: #000; padding:30px; font-size: 9pt; font-family: fixedsys, LucidaTerminal, monospace; color: #909090; text-align: left; overflow:auto; border: 5px solid #909090; } Good luck! New added: I made this for fun, [...]
Frames with CSS!
10 Dec 2005
I made it! After some hours I have now managed to put an idea into reality. It was not easy but now I am happy that I made it. Site: www.SEOFAQ.net If you scroll it will look like as if you have frames but in fact it is just CSS. It was not easy to [...]
My Secrets of Web Design
6 Jan 2005
I have now finished making my third web site. The first two I made in 1999 and this one I finished today. I was very satisfied with the result and by considering that I spent not more than 5 days making it (all texts cut and paste of course) I decided to write this essay [...]