SEO Articles
SEO for WordPress - The Complete Guide
20 Mar 2007
I'm an SEO and I have been working a lot with WordPress, here I give you all my tips for you to rank very well in Google with your blog. UPDATE: This article was written in march 2007 and has not been updated since then, although many parts are still relevant. You should see my [...]
What a SEO Professional should know
28 Oct 2006
To be a good SEO you need to know a lot of things and to be a professional SEO you need to know them well. I sometimes see people calling themselves "SEO Experts" looking to make a quick buck ... Let's just list the things I consider that a good SEO must know: HTML As [...]
Link Building Guide
4 Jun 2006
Important: This article was written by me in june 2006. It needs to be updated to correctly reflect the current search engines guide lines and new methods for link building. / Jim Westergren Introduction I have been providing many thousands of links to my SEO clients and I have myself established a number of PR6 [...]
Forums, Branding and Public Relations
18 Mar 2006
If you are an SEO Consultant that charges $80 per hour like me, have too many clients and too little time - why would you go to forums and spend 15 minutes only to answer some guy asking SEO questions on a forum, for free and giving out valuable information? Why? And why would you [...]
as Internal Live PR; Evidence and Findings
24 Feb 2006
March 27 update In Matt Cutts latest post: Q: Is the RK parameter turned off, or should we expect to see it again? A: I wouldn't expect to see the RK parameter have a non-zero value again. Q: What's an RK parameter? A: It's a parameter that you could see in a Google toolbar [...]
Link Bait
13 Feb 2006
Link baiting (or linkbaiting) is the latest buzz word in the SEO world and has come to be the preferred way to natural link building. It means to create something that naturally attract backlinks for your web page by getting people to talk about it, discussing it on forums, blogging about i, posting it on [...]
Google Sandbox - All Latest Data
12 Jan 2006
What is the Google "sandbox"? In my own words I would say it is an observation of an algo effect implemented by Google in March 2004 that makes new sites not rank at all for a period of many months. It is a dampening effect that was most probably created to stop spam sites from [...]
Future PageRank prediction
31 Dec 2005
There are 7 different tools and one new discovery that can be used in additional to looking at backlinks if you are interested in finding out what your future PageRank will be. I say already now that they are not accurate ... Backlink and PR prediction tool from Comments: This is the only PR [...]
Tutorial: Feed your sites by blogging!
30 Nov 2005
Notice: This article is from 2005. I have written a new one in 2009 about this same thing but much more good that can be read here. Are you also the kind of webmaster with 5, 10 or even 20 web sites with the plan of making a living only through your own sites? How [...]
My Guide to SEO and Success
27 Nov 2005
This is a guide I worked out myself from what I have observed and learned in the field of SEO. It was originally posted by me on Digital Point SEO Forums and has been updated since then. ##READ-MORE-LINK## Keyword Research Work out the best keywords to target based on relevance and KEI for each webpage [...]