Jim Westergren
About me, my projects, SEO, Web Development and Personal Development since 2005
"If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas A. Edison

Annual report number 9 + 10: My Success

Back in December of 2004 I started a new life from zero. I was 22 years old without any money, education or connections. I borrowed my mothers computer and started to learn HTML and internet marketing.

That is now little more than 10 years ago and each year I publish an annual report. Earlier reports are linked from the history section in my about page.

I am sorry that I don't blog more often. But instead of 30 blog posts you get a summary instead.

We still live in Bolivia since the end of 2012 and our wonderful children are now 5 and 3 years old (photos on Facebook). I have been with my great wife for 7 years.

Main highlights from 2013 and 2014

New features on N.nu during 2013-2014

Goals for 2015

  1. Great results for all our clients.
  2. Grow the company even more.
  3. More partnerships with companies.
  4. Increase the revenues for N.nu.
3 Mar 2015

About the Author Jim Westergren Jim Westergren is a Swedish web entrepreneur currently living in Spain. He is happily married and has three lovely children. Some of his interests are web development, SEO and writing.
He is the Founder of DomainStats and N.nu. Read his .